Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Rihla 2009 Quotes

Quotes from the Rihla 2009 Blog:

"It is astonishing how people can influence others, simply by keeping their company. Don’t take a companion unless their state elevates you, and that they take you closer to God. Don’t have friends that complain all the time. There’s nothing worse than to be around a complainer. Be around people that uplift you, that are positive, optimistic. Help people with their problems, but put yourself in environments that help you move forward. And don’t be of the people out there that don’t want to see others succeed.”

Taken from Shaykh Yahya Rhodus’ class onPurification of the Heart.


“The dunya is the daughter of the akhira. If you marry it (the dunya), the akhira is forbidden to you.”

Taken from an Evening Session with Shaykh Yahya Rhodus


“”You can’t reach everyone with your wealth nor your status, but you can reach everyone with your character.”

Taken from the Q & A session with Shaykh Yahya, Shaykh Faraz and Sidi Umar.


“If you see people being like wolves, don’t be a lamb. And if you see people being like lambs, don’t be a wolf”

Taken from Shaykh Yahya Rhodus’ class onPurification of the Heart.


“Be not content with stories of those who went before you. Go forth and create your own story.” – Rumi

Taken from Shaykh Yahya Rhodus’ class onPurification of the Heart.


Imam Malik said, “I knew a people who had no faults, and they preoccupied themselves with faults of others; God gave them faults. And I knew another people and God gave them faults, and they preoccupied themselves with purifying themselves, ignoring the faults of others; God purified their faults.”

Taken from Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s lecture on Israa Wal Mi’raaj.


“Every single situation you are in is an opportunity to bring you closer to Allah.”

Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, during the Sister’s Q & A session.

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