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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Being firm and nice

We sometimes consider firmness and niceness to be mutually exclusive entities i.e. One cannot be firm and nice at the same time. In fact, we have observed, most successful people ( on a worldly scale) generally tend to be people who have the art of combining firmness and niceness.

What does being firm and nice at the same time entail?

There are things which are important and things which are not important. We should know the key things in a matter ( or in life), which we need go a certain way for our needs i.e. if we don't express ourselves in these matters then we might still be nice but the niceness may lose it's genuineness because it may not be sincere anymore-since we are not expressing what we are feeling ( i.e. we might be building feelings inside of us--and like a pressure cooker being opened all of a sudden----we may damage ourselves and others when we finally come out with our feelings-explicitly or implicitly).

Once we know what we want then it is advisable to ponder our intentions, goals, means and how we take those means to get to our goal--making dua throughout.

Being firm and nice also entials picking our battles carefully. There are things we may be able to let go and other things which we may not be able to let go of. If we get stuck up on everything (even if you sound nice doing it), we will lose respect of others.

Another key is that ( in matters which really matter to us), we express our firmness in the right way at the right place at the right time. It may not be best to vent out a friend when there are 5 others watching even if what your saying is right and you are saying it very nicely.

Being firm means being firm in achiveing our goal. Sometimes we become firm in "how" we reach our goal as well i.e. this is how I want to do it even if it alienates everyone ( when there may be a softer approach to do things available).

There are matters where we might not know how to go about doing things in a nice, firm effective way. At that point it may be advisable to seek advice ( from the right people)

As for being nice. It entails smiling and asking someone for something ( scholars say even for small things we should ask Allah first, since it is Allah who gives everything). It entails not gettiong angry if the other person responds angrily or is rude ( the sunnah is to return the bad with good). We should forgive and forget and move on from past issues with others as soon as we can. Also when we ask someone something, we should be prepared to hear an answer different then what we would like to hear. It may be advisable to be ready for a dilogue and not a monologue. Sometimes we might be firm on something but might not understand the issue. Also it is less offensive if we take someone through a thinking process when we are trying to convince them ( i.e. ask directive questions which make them think).

And what matters are ones which we should be most firm on? Things which are of next worldly benefit. How do we learn how to be firm and nice? Learn and read about the Sunnah.

We ask Allah for Tawfiq and Taiseer in all our affiars. Ameen.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Sh Faraz: We are like castles

In last week's halaqa, Shaykh Faraz compared our inner beings to castles. He said that if we were a castle then we would take good care of it. i.e. take care who has access to it.

There are some people who would have access to the guest rooms. Some others would have access to the storage room. Others would have access to the bedrooms. Some would have access to the the living room and the dining room. There are some people who would have no space in the castle. ( this could apply to what thoughts enter one's minds as well)


The inner most chamber of our inner beings is something that only Allah should have access to. And that Innner chamber is----what everything we think and do revolves around. Subhanallah.

May Allah help us protect ourselves.

Monday, June 16, 2008

SunniPath Summer Full Courses Registeration Deadline: June 17!

The first step to being one who is close to Allah, is to know what it takes to get close to Him. SunniPath has changed the lives of many so try to take some courses if you can!We strongly recommend all their courses!

There is still time to register until this Tuesday, so don't miss this last chance to take part in SunniPath's Summer full courses. Browse course catalog.

For anyone busy at the beginning of the Summer, SunniPath have a few short courses that will be starting July. Here are some featured second-half short courses:

Finding the Straight Path

Finding the Straight Path
Maintaining Identity without Extremism
Taught by Shaykh Hamza Karamali
Gain clarity amidst the confusion through surveying the major currents in contemporary Muslim discourse; understanding the issues that distinguish each current; coming to a conclusion about each of these issues; and then dealing with those who disagree with you in the light of the merciful example of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and give him peace. Learn more.

Hadith or Fiqh?

Hadith or Fiqh?
The Relationship Between Hadiths
and the Four Schools of Law

Taught by Shaykh Hamza Karamali
This short course examines the basis of hadith disagreements among the four schools of thought and dispels the common misunderstanding that the disagreements occurred through lack of knowledge or an incomplete understanding of hadith literature. Learn more.

Journey to Allah - Part 1

Journey to Allah - Part 1
Spiritual Guidance for Muslim Women and Men
Taught by Habib 'Ali al-Jifry
and Shaykh Abdul Kareem Yahya
This short course introduces you to traveling the path to Allah, sincerity, self-observation, preserving the inspirational drive, repentance, and emulating Allah’s beloved Messenger, may Allah bless him and give him peace. Learn more.

Supplications of the Daily Prayer

The Supplications of the Daily Prayer
Turning the Prayer into a Spiritual Experience
Taught by Shaykh Sohail Hanif
Learn the meanings and significance behind the various supplications said during the daily prayer so that you can transform it from rote recitation into an active engagement with increased presence of heart. Learn more.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Our trip to "Banff National Park" (Alberta, Canada)

Bow River in Banff
Historical Hotel in Banff
Lakes in Banff
Wildlife Corridor on the Trans Canada Highway


Lake Louise

Lake Louise 2

Lake Louise 3

Alhamdaulillah, shukirillah we got a chance to visit Banff National Park this past week during our bussiness trip to Alberta. It is a "Subhanallah" place for sure and a "must see" if you are in the area. One cannot get tired of looking at Lake Louise.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Seekers Media-Course Registeration Deadline June 10

Alhamdaulillah, these are great courses being offered at Seekers Media



Islamic Knowledge & Inspiration

New: Two download-based courses with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani
1. MUKHTAR DARS: Mastering Fiqh (Worship)
2. KHARIDA DARS: Understanding Islamic Beliefs

Understanding Islamic Law:

Mawsuli's Mukhtar Explained (Part I: Worship)

In the Name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful

Allah's blessings & peace upon His beloved Messenger Muhammad and his Folk, Companions, & Followers

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatu' Llah,

If you are seeking a traditional Hanafi Fiqh knowledge you are invited to register for the Mukhtar Dars.

This Halaqa: Will cover Imam Mawsuli's al-Mukhtaruin four parts. This classical matn of Hanafi fiqh is the basis for the majestic commentary al-Ikhtiyar. Each part will be covered over two 12-week sessions

In this Halaqa: You will be able to download 2 recorded audio lessons, , 2 lessons per week, each lessons is 90 minutes length, with three live Q&A sessions for the semester.

For this Halaqa: Your registration will allow you to review Mukhtar Halaqa forums, where you can post your questions to the teacher or the course assistant, also to discuss and share information with other students.

You will be provided with full Arabic text for this course, so you can follow the reading in the recorded lessons.

Requirements: Arabic language enabled on your computer.

A previous exposure to Hanafi fiqh, this is not an "Absolute Basics" class.

Fees: The fee for each part (3 months, 24 recorded lessons) is $175.

The Mukhtar Dars will be opening for registration on Sunday, May 18, by 5 pm EST. Registration will be through the site, insha'Allah.

Understanding the Way of Islamic Beliefs

Imam Dardir's Kharida Explained

with Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Essential Beliefs. Underlying Methodology. Spiritual Relevance.

This course will cover one of the foremost core texts (mutun) in Islamic beliefs, Imam Ahmad al-Dardir's al-Kharida al-Bahiyya, with the goal of giving us a solid understanding of:

(1) The essential beliefs--we must believe about Allah, Prophets, and Transmitted Matters--with clarity and depth, as transmitted by the great imams of Islam.

(2) The underlying methodology of mainstream Islamic beliefs—the way of the Ash`aris and Maturidis—including the breakdown of rational and normative rulings, which is the basis of sound reasoning, and a brief overview of traditional Islamic logic.

(3) The centrality of transcendence (tanzih) in sound beliefs, and its clear Qur'anic basis, through investigation of the verses some interpret in ways that entail affirming similitude between Allah and His creation (tashbih, anthropomorphism).

(4) How the traditional understanding of Islamic beliefs assists in bringing one's faith to life, and is a means towards realization and understanding of the light of the Qur'an and Prophetic example.

Format: 12 Downloadable MP3 Lessons Plus Forum

The course will run for 12 weeks, with 12 downloadable mp3 lessons (one per week), and a discussion forum for questions and related discussions.

A full translation of Imam Dardir's text will be provided, along with other related texts. The work will also be available in Arabic, with its commentary.

Audience: Both Beginning and Students of Knowledge

This course is suitable both for (1) those seeking a first in-depth exposure to Islamic beliefs and (2) seekers of knowledge with previous study of Islamic beliefs (aqida), seeking to deepen and strengthen their understanding of this foundational Islamic science.

Fees: The fee for 12 weeks course (Lesson per week) is $120.


- Get 25% discount for al-Kharida course when register for both courses

- Family discount up to 25%: Any students are from same family registered for the same class each one will get a 25% off discount.

- Group discount: Any group of students (4 or more from the same city) registered for the same class will get25% off discount.

- Student Discount: any full time student will get 25% discount.

- Muslim world Country Discount: 25% for all students in Asia and Africa.

- Aid: for any financial aid you need due to any circumstances please provide us with the details, and we will do our best to help.

"This is an excellent statement of beliefs

Which I have named 'The Radiant Pearl'

Though light and small in size,

It is tremendous in the knowledge it contains."

Dardir, al-Kharida al-Bahiyya


Education & Inspiration

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


We previously posted something about "Who and what". In a similar vein we will take a stab at "Where?"

I ask myself Where? Where have you have been to?Are you where you want to be? Why do you want to be where you want to be?

This could relate to you being proud of where you have been. But its important to know that where you have been to was only possible because of Allah. So really we should not look where we have been with pride or disdain but with thankfulness to the one who made it possible. If we want to get somewhere where we haven't been to ( this could be in the emotional, physical or spiritual realm-all for His sake) then we should take the means and ask Allah for help.

The question where can be asked in many different contexts. It can be asked in the context of time and place. It can relate to you and it can relate to others. For example you might not treat somebody well just because of where they are from. Where you are might also determine how good your actions are which is why good company is important. Knowingly and unknowingly we do get affected with where our feet are. I guess where we are also shows where our heart wants to be. Do you desire to be in masjid more than the local mall?

Where are you going? Its important to know one's goals in life. The infinite takes precedence over the finite. The goals should really be next worldly and not this worldly SO the real goal should be Jannah. The real goal should be the pleasure of Him: Allah.