The eyes through which you see are something to be thankful for. There are many blind people in this world.
The intellect with which you think and process what you see through your eyes is something to be thankful for. For there are many people devoid of sound thinking due to being mentally handicapped.
The legs which helped you walk and sit infront of your computer are something to be thankful for--there are many people in this world who cannot walk.
The computer and internet connection with which you can access so much information is something to be thankful for. There are many people in this world who do not have this kind of access.
The hands with which you type are something to be thankful for. For there are many people in this world who cannot use their hands.
The ears and the mouth with which you communicate with rest of the world are something to be thankful for. There are many people in the world that cannot hear or speak.
The peace and security in which most of you are living is something to be thankful for. There are many people who are in the middle of wars and leave homes not knowing when and if they will return.
This thought of being thankful is something to be thankful for itself.
Look around. There is a lot more to be thankful about. How do you express your thanks?
Abdul Qadir Jilani explains (taken from Sunnipath):
Moreover, thankfulness [shukr] can be subdivided into several categories,
1. Thankfulness expressed by the tongue [shukr bi'l-lisan]. This constitutes the acknowledgment of the benefaction [ni'ma] with an attitude of humble acceptance [istikana].
2. Thankfulness expressed by the body and the limbs [shukr bi'l-badan wa 'l - rkan]. This is the characteristic indication of loyalty and readiness toserve [al-wafa' wa 'l-khidma].
3. Thankfulness expressed by the inner feeling [shukr bi'l-qalb]. This requires a careful balance between the visible display of appreciation and the constant preservation of a sense of reverence.
It has also been said that thankfulness of the eyes [shukr al-'ainain] means that you overlook any fault you notice in your companion, while thankfulness of the ears [shukr al-udhunain] means that you ignore any fault you hear him accused of possessing.
my favorite dua on Shukr:
Allahumma a'innee ala dhikrikah, wa shukrukah, wa hussni ibadatik.. ( Ya Allah help me to remember You, to show shukr to You, and to make the most beautiful of ibdadah)
Alhamdulillah! What a beautiful post on thankfulness, which is gratitude for Allah's blessings :) May Allah increase our gratitude with every breath, with every heartbeat, with every day of life. Ameen.
Ya Haqq!
Jazaka Allahu khairan brother
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