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Monday, September 01, 2008

Ramadan Mubarek ( and some links)

Ramadan Mubarek to everyone! Inshahallah we all have a fruitful Ramadan!

We were lucky to get a reminder from Shaykh Abdul Hakim Murad through BBC's thought of the day. Here is the amazing end of the "thought". The full text can be read here:

Yesterday, I returned to my endless conflict with the weeds in my garden. I know that when tackling the mortal enemy that is ground elder, or convolvulus, I have two options. Either I slice it off at ground level, which is quick, and fun, but allows it to reappear all too soon. Or I reach for the roots, which takes time and effort.

Weak human beings, Muslim or not, know that long training is needed before we gain the patience to uproot our tendency to crave and yearn for what is unnecessary. Fasting, in Ramadan, is a rigorous discipline, an opportunity to gain in self-restraint. We are unlikely to abolish the weeds in our souls, but when properly trained by this annual endurance event, we can keep them under control, and hope that, with God's help, we can start to enjoy the experience of detachment.

Keeping with Abdul Hakim Murad, here is a old Ramadan speech with him. It is a "must listen" for sure. One thing which he said which really stuck in my head was that a fast is sabar during the day and shukr during the night...

Zaytuna has a nice section on Ramadan on their website. In one of the articles on their site Imam Zaid quotes a poem:

How many deceased people have you known who fasted?

Amongst your family, neighbors, and brothers.

Death has erased them, leaving you behind.

Get serious [about your religion], for the living are quite close to the dead!

You take delight in the 'Eid outfits being cut out now for the festival.

But soon they will be your burial shrouds.

How long will the person be happy with his worldly home?

Knowing that his ultimate home is the grave.[1]
Shaykh Abdul Sattar also has a nice Ramadan Audio section on his website. His speeches are motivating mashahallah.

SunniPath has a Imam Ghazali text translation on the Inner Dimensions of Fasting. It also has nice collection of answers on Fiqh of Fasting.

Shaykh ABdul Kareem Yahya also has a very inspring message for Ramadan

SHaykh Faraz Rabbani has uploaded last week's Wednesday halaqa as a course. It is a MUST Listen as well.

May Allah SWT bless our Ramadan!

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