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Sunday, March 18, 2007

A sad day for cricket

It is a very sad day for cricket. No I am not talking about Pakistan being knocked out of the cricket world cup.

I am talking about the death of Pakistan's cricket coach Bob Woolmer. He was a thorough professional, great innovator (and a wonderful person from his blog, articles and his interviews that I saw). Speculation is rife that his death ( assuming it was of natural causes) was a result of the stress yesterday's loss produced, but Allah knows best. ( here is a really good personal interview with him on Geo TV)

Having browsed through different Internet forums, loads of Pakistani cricket fans are expressing their sadness and shock. Most if not all are calling it a bigger tragedy then Pakistan's failure at the world cup. It is good to know that cricket fans are putting things into perspective. Lots of sports fans ( including myself) sometimes take sports too seriously forgetting that "it" is just a game and there are much more important things in life to worry about....

Tributes from leading cricket experts from cricinfo.

Condolences to his family....


Abu Adam said...

Inallilah wa inay ilayhi rajioon. I ask Allah to give us the right perspective, and to look beyond our own lives, and to have that broad understanding of life, and to have akhirah vision. ameen

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Abu Adam said...

I advise you to watch what you are saying. The angels are writing it down. Have you no sense?

Din said...


Please dont get too emotional. Its just a game. In fact thats the lesson this death has taught us.

I cant let a comment like that remain on my blog.



Anonymous said...

Abu Adam,

You do not have any sense becayse I did not say anything senseless. Yes, the angels are writing...

Anonymous said...

Mr Din, it is ok you removed my legitimate comments. I don't mind.

Abu Adam said...

Is there some reason you are anonymous?