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Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Prophet Muhammad (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa Sallam)

I found a website which has a lot of interesting articles. The page on Prophet Muhammad ( Peace be upon him) really caught my eye:


Abu Adam said...

God says in the Quran, "Say not three", say One.. We believe God is Perfect, Absolutely Unique, Flawless, Without Beginning, Without End, and thus cannot be divided in any form or way.

I believe the concept of Trinity (God being three, not one) is something that was added later to the Christianity. If you look up "Nicea Council" you might be able to find some evidence for this.

Din said...

Hi Dennis,

Here is an useful article on the Islamic Perspective on trinity.

I'll try to find you more links, God Willing.



Anonymous said...

Hammad, I hope you don't mind me commenting on this.

Dennis, the word "Islam" in itself could be approximately translated as "willfully submitting yourself to the will of God, in peace". Islam also says you can not force anyone to become Muslim - and if you think about it, that person wouldn't really be Muslim as they would not "willfully" be submitting themselves to God. (source: IslamAlways).

Now, I am no scholar, and I highly recommend that you take a look at the sources of Islam (Quran and then Hadith) and ask an Imam your questions. If you are in Canada, there is currently a series on TV discussing the stories of the Prophets in Islam. You can watch it on Vision TV Saturdays at 4:30PM EST. The host is Steve Rockwell who is also highly knowledgable about the Bible, and regularly refers to verses from it.



Anonymous said...

this article discusses Islamic concept of fate and free will:

Abu Adam said...

Dear Dennis, Hammad, and the anonymous guy/girl (whoever you are, lol), here is what I would like to contribute:

In Islam we do *not* just accept stuff, because "God said so".. but this is sorta how it goes, if i can try to say something useful here:

1) Quran is one of the only books in the world that challenges you to try to disprove it.. Time and time again it says try to find a mistake, try to find some errors, try to find some contradictions, historical errors, incorrect prophecies/predictions, incorrect scientific facts, grammar/spelling error, or what not.. Its a book that absolutely challenges you to use your brain, saying "If it was not from God, you would find in it many contradiction"..

And that Muhammad is only a man and there is no way he could come with some an amazing miracle such as the Quran because no normal mortal can write such a thing.. Plus Muhammad was unlettered (i.e. couldn't read or write a single word)

2) Once we have accepted and established that the Quran is the word of God Almighty, the One above, we therefore have now accepted that we must follow it, even if we do not directly understand or comprehend the wisdom behind it.

So, if someone says "why dont you eat pork?" the best answer is "well. God said so.. that simple". Whereas there might be health benefits, and so on and so forth, we don't do it for that reason, but for the main reason that God Almighty ordered us to do so.

Does that clear up anything? I hope so :)

Also, here is some of the amazing things about the Quran..

Scientists from University of Toronto and others have also attested to the miraculous nature of the Quran, please take a look at for some quotes from Professor of Embryology Keith Moore, and others, who have been totally amazed and astounded about the Quran and the scientific wisdom mentioned there.

And to conclude this post, the Quran is not a history textbook, not a science textbook, not a philosophy textbook, but it is a book of "signs", (not a book of science), for us to contemplate and wonder and think about.

Take care dear fellow brothers in Humanity :)


Din said...

Hi Dennis,

I am impressed by your willingness to learn and your open-mindedness.

Based on what you see on TV, the ideal might not be obvious. However you are only taking very recent examples in a faith that has a history stretching over 1400 years.

I encourage you to watch this BBC Video which examines the contrbutions of Muslims to European History.

Moreover this website gives several examples of Muslim COntributions to civilization.

Please do go to both the links that I just posted.



Abu Adam said...

Dear Dennis, the sad fact of the matter is that most Muslims, including the Nigerians, the Pakistans, the Iraqis, and so on, are not practising Islam... at all.. not even 1% maybe.. The most basic pillar of Islam after beleiving in One God, is the prayer. But if you look around you will see that not even a small percentage of "Muslims" are saying their prayers.

Of course, when we are in such a situation of ignorance, and such a situation of being distant from our Lord and Creator, you will see the resulting chaos in the world.. perpertrated by Muslims and Non Muslims alike..

If you want to see the fruit of Islam, I would say, take a look at the life story of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him), and the most amazing changes that happened in their lives due to their faith.

Before Islam, Omar, who was such a tough guy, he buried his own daughter alive (as was the common practice during the pre-islamic period of ignorance) was transformed into the most generous and soft hearted passionate man after Islam.. and he became the second Caliph.

If you want to see recent examples of people who's lives have been touched by Islam, take a look at some of these videos. I myself was not born as a Muslim and found my way to this beautiful faith which transformed me.. and my wife is also a Canadian born Muslim who accepted the faith a few years ago.

Here is the link: ( videos)

Look at the ones who truly have embraced it, and honestly you will see the fruit.. Malcolm X is another awesome example.. from druggie/pimp to the most amazing man who died for his people

Abu Adam said...

After some thought, I was thinking, for Hammad, Dennis, this is a very nice video, called "Priests and Preachers Coming To Islam".

To watch:

It is a very gripping story, and highlights some of the similarities between Christianity and Islam. It's Mr. Estes' story of how he found Islam, mashaAllah
