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Monday, April 10, 2006

Hakim Archuletta: An amazing man

Hakim Archuletta is a unique person. I don't know of too many people ( in the West) who have specialized in Islamic health ( or in other words are Hakims). Browsing through Deenport I found the Hakim's interview. He is full of wisdom and is very articulate. Here are a few of his quotes:

  • Health is wholeness and this means integrity from the innermost spiritual to the outermost physical and that extends right on out to our greater body of family community, the whole world. All must have integrity and so Islamic medicine means, as it does in politics or any other profession that all parts of our being must have this wholeness and connectedness with integrity. Islam itself is nothing other than holistic medicine.The medicine of the Prophet, sallalahu alayhi wa salam, was Islam.

  • After many years of practice in medicine I have seen so clearly that attitude lies embedded in so much physical, chronic and even fatal illness. What a thing it is to see someone on their death bed and for them to finally see and speak this and still hold to the lie in themselves that takes them finally to their death! This is a hard truth to see and also must not be confused or twisted into a puritanical "it's my fault I'm sick, I've been bad " or any other shortsighted understanding of this, it's all opportunity by Allah's Rahmah. And Allah says in His Qur'an that He wants for us purification.

  • Life has always had trauma, big trauma. In modern times it becomes different as we are disconnected from the very bodies that enable natural release: our senses, our families, physically, neighbors and community. These are all natural connections that enable our own nervous system to function and release in the same way that animals in nature can release severe trauma and be perfectly OK. This disconnection disables function.

  • We have been placed uniquely in Allah's Creation and have the great trust of being able to mess up or care for the creation in all its aspects from our own selves to the trees, animals, even the stones and all the beauty that Allah has given it all. We talk of pollution if we're aware, or if we've been raised with some environmental awareness but it's more than that - it's desecration!If we are not fully present we don't really see it, we will not really feel what we should about it and even though we may say it's wrong, real feeling initiates action. When actions are unfulfilled, we then additionally live with the yoke of these actions being suppressed and have more trauma. It also seems too much for us and we don't feel its possible to change, another natural strategy to manage it all. We're doing nothing, nothing even with what we know.

  • One shaykh said the flood in the time of Nuh was one of water and in our times it is the flood of separation between each other. Make it a jihad to battle against the forces that conspire to keep you separate, to isolate, and these forces are pervasive, recognize this and however difficult. Eat together, travel together, talk, TALK!, read poetry to each other, laugh, cry, pray together remember Allah with enthusiasm together. Share your pain and your joy with each other while you can. Drink in your differences! When your red flag goes up with the stranger you've met, give it some time, some patience, don't tune out or walk out, see who he is. Give and take from each other and be with each other. Listen to your wives and your children, just listen to them! This is medicine, insha'Allah.

I encourage you to and read the full interview of this unique man.

I also decided to go visit his website and found the following which might also be of interest:

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