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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Watch your step

Img_1154, originally uploaded by hammadin.

This picture is of a catch basin located in the local market place near my home. This catch basin is of course supposed to catch stormwater ( and from the looks of it is capable of catching more than storm water ).

The depth of the hole is about 6 feet. And given that the parking lot which hosts this catch basin has no lights, it is a big safety concern.

Such dangers are common in the capital city and even more so outside of it. As a matter of fact trips and falls is one of the major causes of injury to the public in Pakistan ( according to a report in a reputed newspaper today).

Dont worry, I'll watch my step.

1 comment:

Bint Muhammad said...

what a typical view!
that seems like a dangerous one,

We should follow the sunnah and look down when we walk, that way no one will have a disaster:)