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Friday, January 19, 2007

Dubai chalo

One hears a lot about Dubai being an awesome place and all. However one of the isues I have with Dubai is their Environmental record. Read this article for more details.....

Energy consumption in the Emirates runs high for many of the same reasons found in the United States: a feeling that the good life requires huge air-conditioned houses and cars, and a disdain for public transportation.

Making matters worse are Dubai's audacious developments, including artificial resort islands that have destroyed coral reefs and an indoor ski slope that still creates snow when it is 120 degrees outside.

"Of all the places to make artificial snow, this has to be the most absurd," said Jonathan Loh, a British biologist who co-authored the WWF report.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is fast becoming a playground for the rich and famous, and such absurdities are sure to continue. Sad, really.

Ya Haqq!