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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

SAFSPACE: Lofty expectations

SAFSPACE talks about lofty expectations we have of people when we meet them for the first time. I fully agree with her. Now and then, I see peoplegetting disappointed with other people. More often than not the disappointment is self inflicted.

In some cases, the people with the expectations don't hold themselves to the same standard that they expect other people to live up to---A case of looking outside the window before looking at your own reflection in the mirror. On the other hand, as a result of these lofty expectations you may assume that other people hold you to the same standard that you hold them to which can either result in over-self criticism and low confidence or it can lead to further criticism of people around you just to make sure they are not doing better than yourself in terms of meeting your self defined standard. Anyways read the article.

SAFspace » Lofty Expectations

In the beginning, you are enthralled. When you speak to her for the first time, she is all glory and fascination. So polished, so passionate, so clever – you are privileged to be in her company, so desperate to be her friend. So you meet her in a little cafĂ©. How’re things going, you ask lightly, tempering your excitement for fear of frightening her away. And you sit down, order something sweet, and settle in for a good hour’s talk. And then she says something that surprises you. Out of character, you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really miss her blog. Thank you for posting from it :)

Ya Haqq!