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Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'll post it...............right now!

I have been thinking of posting this for some time. However I don't know why I kept delaying it and delaying it . ...The word used for this " delaying "condition is Procrastination.

Unfortunately, I have found it to be far too common in people around me..

I decided to do some internet research on my apparent laziness and lo behold I came across this wonderful article in Psychology Today. also gave 5 reasons to why we tend to put off tasks. And while I was at it I found some tips on how to stop procrastinating!

"...What are other signs of procrastination besides waiting until the last minute to do something? Try these on for size: being reluctant to take risks or try something new, staying at home or in the same old job, getting sick when faced with an unpleasant job, avoiding confrontations or decisions, blaming others or the situation ("it's boring") for your unhappiness or to avoid doing something, making big plans but never carrying them out, and/or having such a busy social-recreational calendar that it is hard to get important work done.

This list of symptoms suggests that procrastination, which at first sounds like a simple behavior, is, in fact, quite complex. It involves emotions, skills, thoughts or attitudes, and factors we are unaware of. Furthermore, the causes and dynamics of putting off an important but unpleasant task vary from person to person and from task to task for the same person. For instance, you may delay doing your math assignment but fill out an application for school immediately. Hopefully, understanding how and why we procrastinate will help us change it. We may even learn more about what is commonly called "will power." "

I think I am on my way to solving my problem...

hey look I just finally published this post!

1 comment:

Maria I said...

Hmmmmmm, actually, I'll save the link and read it later. Thanks for pointing out though.

(sighs, im a sad one..) But I know there's hope for such severe case even, lol.