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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ganda Pani "Dirty Water"

Am interesting newspaper report with articles on the preposterous condition of the Water Supply in Pakistan.

Incidents in Karachi, Multan, Hyderabad, Kalanawala, Islamabad and Lahore prove that the problem is widespread.....

".......Factory waste and uncleaned sewage makes us cover our noses, while in fact it should open our eyes. It continues to get messier and messier with time as water connections and factories and houses multiply. Each story about the quality of water acts as free advertisement for merchants who sell bottled water not only in the cities, but the supposedly less polluted villages as well. Even this neatly packaged answer to our water woes has been known to carry water unfit for human consumption. What is left to say then bar a moralistic sermon on the virtues of being honest? Or is there hope in the measures taken to improve the quality of water in Islamabad and the PRSP's safe water plants in 16 schools in Multan......."
Note that all the incidents in the above mentioned cities were on the scale of the Walkerton tragedy, which led to a revolution in the Canadian/Ontarian legislation governing Water Quality.

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