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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Verily Allah loves kindness in everything

The Wisdom of Umm Zaid, Mashah allah.

Check out this great article

.................There was an elderly Jewish woman who hated Islam. Every morning, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) walked past her house, she would make sure to dump all of her household waste on his head. He did not react to her provocations. And then one day, he walked past her house and nothing fell on him. He inquired about her, and found she had fallen ill. So he went to her house to visit her. She was taken back that this man whom she had abused and heaped her garbage on was concerned about her health. She realized there’s something special in this Message he was teaching and became Muslim. Walhamdulillah ‘ala ni’matul Islam.

There’s a lot that we can learn from that short story. Patience, for one. The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most patient of the patient people. Here he was, having garbage and verbal abuse heaped upon him, and what did he do? Did he make du’a against her, as many of us, in a lesser situation, would do today? No. Did he curse her, or call her four-letter-words, as many of us would do if someone cut us off on the highway? No. He simply bore it. And when she fell ill, did he say, “Serves that kafir right,” as most of us today would? No. He felt concern for her, and went to make sure she was alright. And he went to visit the sick, something most of us no longer do (despite it being a command). And the outcome of this is that a woman recognized the truth of God, and the truth of the Messenger of God, and became part of our Ummah. She is the winner in all of this, insha’Allah...............

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