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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hard Water in the Loo

The problem in Waterloo is that of hardwater. The white stuff is not harmful. It is white because of carbonates we have in our groundwater in waterloo which forms hard water. Waterloo region has one of the higher concentrations of Hardwater in Canada ( ) The carbonates increase dryness in the hair and also messes up the soap:

To find out more about Hard Water and its impacts check:

As for bottled water, dont be so sure about what your drinking, it might look cleaner but that does not mean it is safer than tap water:

Lastly it is good to know that:

According to the National Water Quality Association, 56% of all people are worried about the quality of municipally treated tap water. This, along with the desire for better tasting drinking water, has fueled tremendous growth in the bottled water industry. We can all remember, not too long ago, when the bottled water section at the grocery store consisted of a very small allotment of counter space, primarily devoted to a few gallon jugs of distilled water. Today, bottled water enjoys a major section of the beverage isle and the prestige of being the fastest growing segment of the entire beverage industry, not to mention the most profitable.

The bottled water industry has become the target of some of the largest corporations in the world. Chlorox Bleach Co., Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola are just a few of the recent entrees capitalizing on this highly lucrative market, with Chlorox being the biggest participant in the bottled water business. Pepsi Cola's "Aquafina" and Coca Cola's "Dasana" almost instantly became each company's most profitable product!

( from


Anonymous said...

Hey... this sounds familiar. Is this the same thing you posted on UW Muslims? Do you get so many hardwater questions that you just copy and paste this everywhere you go?

Din said...


we can even use this for IAW :-P

Abu Adam said...

Bottled water is more expensive than gasoline in this country.. SubhanAllah

Evian spelt backwards is...

Anonymous said...

I've never noticed that about Evian, interesting revelation, it almost seems intentional. I remember when bottled water first came out on the market and how pretencious and ridiculous it seemed.

I've actually heard that hardwater is better for your heart. One of your articles might have stated that but I didn't read them, sorry:)

Hammad, I'm sure after taking proff. andrews env. chem. course you could talk for days about hard water, not to mention some of your other courses. So suhaila, it's just that we've read and learned about it so much, we feel the need to enlighten to rest of you:)