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Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Has Islam Failed? Not By Western Standards..

Imam Zaid quoted this article in the CD set Rise and Fall of the Ummah.

"We hear over and over again that Islam has failed, that it is in crisis. The claims always involve comparing Islam to something else, though to what is often unclear. If 'failed' just means 'hasn't kept up with the West', Islam has indeed failed. So has every other culture, except to the extent it has Westernized. And if a culture fails whenever it falls behind the economic or technological front runners, Italian culture has failed in relation to Japanese or American culture............................"


Anonymous said...

Allhamdulillah. Islam has not failed :). Thank-you for this post.
Our trusted teachers, such as Imam Zaid have taught us to be optimistic. The true message of Islam can never fail. Yes there are a lot of things going on in our Ummah that counter the teachings of Islam. However, we can not dispair at this. We must have hope that through proper education of our deen, we the Muslims can reflect in our daily lives and actions the true teachings of our faith. Education in deen, from trusted sources is imperative. We must have hope that this can and will happen inshaAllah. Allah(SWT) will not change the condition of a people until we change the condition of ourselves.

Din said...

Thanks Rosina...

We got the Waterloo masjid Imam to dome to campus once and his topic was " Optimism as a sunnah" ...and indeed from his talk it was is indeed a sunnah....I just wish we Muslims were self critical and positive at the same time..and not " either/or"