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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

WUSC: Interested in International Development?

Do you want to gain practical experience in a developing country through our overseas programs ?

Do you want to connect with others who share your passion for development and your commitment to change the future?

Would you support a student fleeing violence and fear to pursue their post-secondary studies in Canada?

We are proud to announce the that beginning of a local committee of World University Service of Canada ( at the University of Waterloo.

WUSC is a network of individuals and post secondary institutions who believe that all peoples are entitled to the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to a more equitable world. It's mission is to foster human development and global understanding through education and training.

Education is the one universal path leading to a better and more equitable world, the path that both reveals our responsibility to contribute to the common good and makes it possible for us to do so. WUSC's award-winning projects are developed to address local needs and reduce poverty, and are delivered with local partners to ensure sustainability. WUSC also supports development education activities and international programs at Canadian colleges and universities.

Each year WUSC offer Canadian post-secondary students and faculty several exciting overseas volunteer learning opportunities.

Through the Student Refugee Program, approximately 45 student refugees enter Canada every year to study as permanent residents. Each refugee is sponsored by a WUSC group on campus that raises the necessary funds to support the student for one year and negotiates with their college or university to waive tuition, residence fees or donate other items.

Please email Hammad Din ( if you are interested in helping establish this committee ( as a a Federation of Students Club) at the University of Waterloo starting next term ( Winter, 2006).


Din said...

haha..actually this has no connection to the MSA though my hope is that some Muslims do get invloved :-)

Din said...


part of the reason I was asked if I was interested to head this initiative was cause I have been presz of a FEDs club before :-)