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Friday, November 11, 2005

Quake 6 : Updates

I was going through Pakistan's main Newspaper's website and found most of the paper consumed by the quake....yeah it it still is really bad. Even now when I talk to my parents we ussually end up talking about the quake. Of course one reason is because there are about 15,000 refugees in Islamabad and my Mom actually visits them whenever she gets a chance. She really has sad stories to tell. The other day she told me about several kids who had had their arms or legs amputated and worse yet they have either lost one or both of their parents. Its tough to imagine being a 7 year old without a leg or a arm and with no parents. :-(

But this scenario is true for thousands which makes me very sad. The challenges are many, I have listed a few below with links to news items about these:

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