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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Chemical Weapons found in Iraq?

So they did find Chemical weapons in Iraq! However they were the ones used by the US army in Fallujah in what appears to have been an indiscriminate massacre. I just saw this documentary ( real / wmv / asx ) and yeah it was quite disappointing. And the contradictions are quite obvious and appalling.

Whats more most US media is not giving this much coverage and the headline just disappeared from BBC ( from both their Front page and Middle East sections) in 1 day ( unlike very other headlines)!

The Christian Science Monitor has a really good article on this issue and Sunnisister has a good post on this issue as well.


Ali said...

That picture is rather disturbing. I don't know if I want to see it just like that when I'm browsing, at least not without some sort of prior warning!

Anonymous said...

That's a pretty horrifying pic.

Din said...

Omer: AMeen Ameen

Sorry Ali, Next time I have something tht graphic , I will send you a warning email :-)

Safiyyah..yeah the pic is..horrifying....Some of the shots in the video are even worse..:-(